FIT – Fashion Institute of Technology visits Guabello
FIT – Fashion Institute of Technology visits Guabello
The Guabello Wool Mill is proud to have hosted outstanding guests: students from the prestigious FIT University. Il lanificio Guabello è orgoglioso di aver aperto le proprie porte per accogliere degli ospiti d’eccezione: gli studenti della prestigiosa università FIT – Fashion Institute of Technology of Manhattan – New York, currently in Italy for a semester at the Politecnico di Milano.
The college, which counts over 10.000 students and formed designers such as Calvin Klein and Michael Kors, offers training for new professional excellence, with a special focus on issues such as art, design, communication and technology, related to the world of fashion. These guys represent the future designers, stylists and buyers that Guabello will be facing over the next few seasons.

The entire production chain of Guabello, from wool to fabric, has been traced with the students. Starting from the research and selection of raw materials, such as the finest Merino wool from Australia and New Zealand to the most innovative and sustainable fabric processing. Special attention was then given to the design and creation of the Guabello collection, through a fascinating dialogue with our textile designers.
At the end of the tour, they received a piece of fabric of Guabello’s collection, to contribute to their creative process and their vision for future fashion.
Through this ongoing dialogue between tradition and craftsmanship and the innovative spirit that distinguishes FIT’s young students, Guabello constantly looks to the future, always defining new styles and trends.